REPORTING MEDICARE ON THE MEDICAID NURSING FACILITY CLAIM When reporting Medicare, nursing facilities must bill as outlined below.

* Covered Days

* Covered days must be reported using Value Code 80.

* Covered days are the days in which Medicare approves payment for the beneficiary’s skilled care. Covered days must be reported when the primary insurance makes a payment.

* Non-Covered Days

* Non-covered days must be reported using Value Code 81.

* Non-covered days are the days not covered by Medicare due to Medicare being exhausted or the beneficiary no longer requiring skilled care. Non-covered days must be reported in order to receive the proper Medicaid provider rate payment.

* When Medicare non-covered days are reported because Medicare benefits are exhausted, facilities must report Occurrence Code A3 and the date benefits were exhausted, along with Claim Adjustment Reason Code (CARC) 96 (Non-Covered Charges) or 119 (Benefit Maximum for the Time Period has been Reached).

* When Medicare non-covered days are reported because Medicare active care ended, facilities must report Occurrence Code 22 and the corresponding date Medicare active care ended, along with CARC 96 or 119.

* Coinsurance Days

* Medicare coinsurance days must be reported using Value Code 82.

* Coinsurance days are the days in which the primary payer (Medicare or Medicare Advantage Plan) applies a portion of the approved amount to coinsurance.

Coinsurance days must be reported in order to receive the proper coinsurance rate payment.

* When reporting Value Code 82, Occurrence Span Code 70 (Qualifying Stay Dates for SNF) and corresponding from/through dates (at least a three-day inpatient hospital stay which qualifies the resident for Medicare payment of SNF services) must also be

* Facilities billing for beneficiaries in a Medicare Advantage Plan must report CARC 2, and this must equal the Medicare Advantage Plan coinsurance rate times the number of coinsurance days. Facilities using CARC 2 must report it with the amount equal to the coinsurance rate times the number of coinsurance days reported.

* Medicare Advantage Plan coinsurance rates vary and do not always equal the Medicare Part A coinsurance rate. Providers must verify the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage Plan coinsurance rate prior to billing Medicaid.

* Prior Stay Date

* If a SNF or nursing facility stay ended within 60 days of the SNF admission, Occurrence Span Code 78 and the from/through dates must be reported along with Occurrence Span Code 70 and the from/through dates.

* Nursing Facilities with Medicaid-Only Certified Beds Not Billing Medicare

* For nursing facilities with Medicaid-only certified beds not billing Medicare, claims submitted directly to Medicaid must be billed as outlined above. For example, for eneficiaries with Medicare coverage based on Medicaid’s TPL file, covered days
must be left blank if Medicare is not covering the service or benefits have exhausted as Medicare is the primary payer. The non-covered day must be completed and it must equal the service units billed for room and board revenue codes and/or leave
days revenue codes.

The reason Medicare is not covering the service (e.g., benefits exhausted) must also be reported.

* Claim Examples

* Nursing facility claim examples on how to report Medicare and commercial insurance on the Medicaid nursing facility secondary claim can be found on the MDHHS website