Note: NCCI associated modifiers are recognized for NCCI code pairs/related edits. For additional information please refer to the CMS website: -26 Professional Component: Certain procedures are a combination of a...

CPT code 77002, 77003 – Fluoroscopic guidance

 Procedure CODE and description 77002 – Fluoroscopic guidance for needle placement (eg, biopsy, aspiration, injection, localization device) average fee amount – $90 – $100 77003 – Fluoroscopic guidance and localization of needle or...


The professional component (see modifier -26) for radiological services is intended to cover professional services, when applicable, as listed below: 1. Determination of the problem, including interviewing the patient, obtaining the history and making appropriate...

Q0, Q1 MODIFIER USAGE ON FDG PET oncologic claims

Modifier Q1 Routine clinical service provided in a clinical research study that is in an approved clinical research study Correct Use     When a routine clinical service is performed as part of an approved clinical research study        ...

Transportation Component (HCPCS Codes R0070 – R0076) and modifiers

This component represents the transportation of the equipment to the patient. Establish local RVUs for the transportation R codes based on carrier knowledge of the nature of the service furnished. Carriers shall allow only a single transportation payment for each trip...

52 Modifier in Radiology billing

52 Modifier (Reduced Services) Procedures for which services performed are significantly less than usual may be billed with the 52 modifier. Procedure  code defines the 52 modifier as “Reduced Services: Under certain circumstances, a service or procedure is...